Wyong High School

Achieving Success for Respectful, Responsible Learners

Telephone02 4353 1088



Vocational Education and Training

Wyong High School provides exciting opportunities for its students within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) field.  A wide range of courses are offered to students in Years 10, 11 and 12.  A large number of students have elected to undertake studies in these courses often selecting 2 or 3 VET courses. These courses provide the students with work and leadership skills.

Work placement is a component of most of the VET courses offered at our school.  The students are required to complete 35 hours per year of work placement with an organisation or business that is aligned with the course they have chosen.  The VET courses offered are:

  • Business Services                              
  • Construction                                       
  • Hospitality                                         
  • Information Technology                      
  • Primary Industries                               
  • Retail                                               
  • Visual Art / Contemporary Craft          

Careers education is also an important part of our VET program.  Students participate in Careers lessons once a fortnight in Year 10.  School to Work Planning is a large part of our Careers Program.  The students participate in an individual School to Work interview once in Year 10.  Year 10 students also have the opportunity to participate in Workplace Learning.

Other excellent opportunities for our students include Central Coast Careers Expo for Year 10 and Year 12,  excursions and guest speakers covering a wide range of topics.

Wyong High School is very proud of its vocational programs.  We are the state winners of the NSW Department of Education VET in Schools Award in 2006.  The students who have studied VET at Wyong High School have excellent post school destination outcomes.  We are very pleased to offer VET opportunities to students in Stage 5 in Year 10.

Students attending our school also have an opportunity to attend TAFE for a VET course in Years 10, 11 and 12.  The students attend Wyong, Gosford or Ourimbah TAFE to study a wide variety of courses.  We are also partners with Wyong TAFE in the Wyong Trade School Program.  Students in this program attend our school for the HSC courses of Standard English, General Mathematics, Information Technology (VET) and Industry Based Learning.  They attend TAFE for a wide range of trade courses and undertake paid employment.

 Please contact our administration office for information on any of our exciting programs.